Friday, September 13, 2013

Mount Hood

Oregon's tallest peak, 11,245 feet, as seen from the highway in July.

Historical Marker for Oregon Trail, Laurel Hill
The Pioneer Road here detoured the Columbia River Rapids and Mount Hood to the Willamette Valley. The road at first followed an old Indian trail. The later name was Barlow Road. Travel was difficult. Wagons were snubbed to trees by ropes or held back by drags of cut trees. Early travelers named the hill from the resemblance of native leaves to laurel.


  1. at first, I thought it looked a lonely stretch of highway... but in reality it is a marvel to be able to travel so comfortably. What an imposing view!!

  2. I bet it would be nice going for a road trip with that beautiful mountain for a scenery :)

  3. I love Mt. Hood. I've been there many times. In fact, my Great Aunt Martina Gangle Curl was one of the artisans who worked on the Timberline Lodge during the great depression in the US. She was such an amazing lady.

    I will always love that mountain. It has been within eyeshot of where I've lived, for most of my life.

    Thank you for posting this lovely postcard.

  4. I have to add one more thing--as a child, I knew Mrs. Hood--a direct descendent of the explorer after whom the mountain was named. (grin)
