Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tailors & Haberdashers

Vincent Simeone
3256 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 5, Calif.
Custom tailoring of distinction
Complete line of Haberdashery
Magnificent selection of gifts

1 comment:

  1. I remember shops like this. before all the chain shops which are mostly the same in every country, so uninviting and uninteresting. This card gives me a warm feeling; remembering, buying a new winter coat, or choosing new material, the crinkly stuff, for a summer dress, lace for the big hoop underskirts, the lace had to look out from under the dress.Twirling a new umbrella, the long ones came onto the market, oh what a time I spend in those beautiful stores.The sales ladies or men knew their merchandise, could give advice. A wonderful postcard, thank you for my little trip back into my youth.
