Saturday, October 18, 2014

Rustic Sign at Lake Wales

A rustic trailside sign at the Mountain Lake Sanctuary near the Singing Tower, Lake Wales, Florida. The quotation is from the revered naturalist, John Burroughs.

1 comment:

  1. I came through Lake Wales yesterday. I went with a fellow Tropical Post Card Club member to a Collectorama show in Lakeland. We found some good cards, nothing great but had a fun time. It was a beautiful day out and perfect for a little road trip. Speaking of Road Trip I will be starting one on Oct 30th. with my brother. We will be going among other places to the Chicago Postcard and paper show on Nov.7-8th. Have you been to that show? Is it going to be a good time? Hope to get to the CURTEICH museum while we are in the area. Will most likely be in St. Louis, passing through Indiana and maybe even into Ohio. Any ideas of things to visit or see on our way?
