Wednesday, August 31, 2016

One Log House Interior

Famous "ONE LOG" HOUSE cut from Redwood tree over 2100 years old. Art Schmock and a helper needed 8 months of hard labor to hollow out the log into a room 7 ft. high and 32 ft. long, weighing about 42 tons.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Soo Locks

Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
In the foreground, ore boat downbound in the MacArthur Lock. In the backgrounhd, ore boat upbound in the Davis Lock. There are four locks on the American side of the roaring St. Mary's Rapids, and one on the Canadian side. The American canals are known as : the MacArthur; the Poe; the Davis and the Sabin. The MacArthur lock was constructed during World War II and was named for General Douglas Mac Arthur. The Poe, Davis, and Sabin Locks were named for engineers who were instrumental in their construction

Monday, August 29, 2016

Map: Arkansas State

ARKANSAS "The land of opportunity" With its famous Hot Springs National Park, the beautiful scenic Ozarks, its lakes and its mountains, Arkansas is a land of recreation, surpassed by none, to all seeking peace and rest.

ARKANSAS "The land of plenty" Oil, electric power, livestock and poultry, fruit and vegetables, all are produced in abundance in this land of plenty.

ARKANSAS A state to be visited, lived in, and once traveled, never to be forgotten.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Welcome to Show Low

Welcome to
Named by the turn of a card, show Low is a year round sportsman's paradise, big game in the winter to fishing in the many lakes in the summer. Chief industry is Lumbering.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Tupperware Display

Invitation to a Tupperware party dated Sep 16 57

We're going to have a party
With games and prizes too;
And the miracle of Tupperware 
Demonstrated just for you!

With hints on how to store your fooe,
And tips on food preserving,
This special kind of party
Of your time is well deserving.

So come, enjoy my party
(Of course you are invited)
Let me know that you'll be there,
I know that you'll be excited



Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Towel Shoppe

Towel Shoppe

Located on U. S. Highway 19 (4 mi. North of Clearwater, Fla.) Featuring CANNON towels, sheets, bedspreads, hose, bath mats, terry kitchen accessories and mill ends. Scatter rugs and bath sets by CALLAWAY. Largest selection of towels on Florida's west coast.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Yellowstone Park Stagecoach

Several of these were used until 1917 to transport guests from Gardiner to Mammoth but were too large to make the complete park trip.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Map: Greetings from Arizonz

Nickname — Sunset State
1960 Population — 552,574
Area in Sq. Miles — 113,956
Entered the Union, Feb. 14, 1912

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Welcome to Circle City

161 miles north of Fairbanks on the mighty Yukon River is the farthest point north on the North American Continent you can reach by car. Over Eagle Summit, through beautiful valleys and wild wilderness country we are at the end of the line.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ferris Groves

Floral City, Florida
View showing our Packing Plant and Orange Juice Pagoda, serving Florida's Finest Citrus. Individual Express Shipments our specialty. Literature sent on request. Ferris Groves, U.S. 41, Floral City, Fla.

Copyright 1953, The L. L. Cook Co.


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Flexalum Draw Draperies

My window's a picture! Flexalum Draw Draperies solve window decorating problems. The Aluminum louvers rotate to let in flattering diffused light or close tightly for complete privacy. In fashion's latest Colors and Texture Tones.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bear Family




Tuesday, August 16, 2016

United States Lines Ocean Liners

S. S. UNITED STATES • Length 990 ft. • Gross Tonnage 53,300
S. S. AMERICA • Length 723 ft. • Gross Tonnage 33,532

The S. S. United States, Flagship of the United States Lines — largest liner ever built in America, is the world's fastest and most modern ship. Holder of Trans-Atlantic speed records, both East and Westbound.

The S. S. America — great American luxury liner operating in regular Trans-Atlantic service with the superliner United States.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Minnesota: A Panorama of Paul Bunyanland

1. Paul Bunyan and Babe — Brainerd: 2. Minneapolis Skyline; 3. A Beautiful Minnesota Lake; 4. Lake Superior at Duluth; 5. The Loon — State Bird; 6. State Capitol — St. Paul; 7. Indian Chief — Pipestone; 8. World's Largest Viking — Alexandria; 9. Headwaters of the Mississippi — Itasca State Park; 10. Mesabi Iron Range; 11. Home of the A.L. "Twins"; 12. Rochester from the air.


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Booger Hollow, Arkansas

Population 7
(counltin' one coon dog)
Between Russelville and Harrison, Arkansas, on Highway No. 7. The most swcenic route through the Ozarks.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Stockholm Restaurant Smorgasbord

151 West 51st Street, New York
World Renowned for its Swedish and Italian Smorgasbord.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tri-Chem Painting

Invitation to a Tri-Chem Party dated Oct, 5, 61.

You'll see hoe Tri-Chem paints are used
    And before the evening's through
You will have a design to paint
    Which you may take home with you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nunn-Bush Shoes

Nunn-Bush Shoes are
First in Quality
  • Ankle-Fashioning is a method of shaping the uppers to give them superior snug-fit comfort. But it also nurses origtinal good looks over may added cost-free miles! Only Nunn-Bush Shoes are Ankle-Fashioned. Such quality doesn't cost . . . it pays!
postmarked 1961 


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Studebaker Wagonaire

Here are the real welcome wagons of the year4! Led by the sliding roof Wagonaire. You can pile it sky high or slide it shut for a snug comfortable family wagon. New for '66 is a fixed roof
Wagonaire. YOur choice of 2 sixes or 283 cube V8.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Map: Greetings from Alaska

1960 — Population — 182,000
Area in Sq. Miles — 586,400
Entered the Union — 1959


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Usinger Sausage Billboard

The Usinger Elf trademark is featured on Milwaukee billboards.
For over 80 years, Usinger's have been famous throughout the country for the finest in sausage, made according to their original Old World recipes. When in Milwaukee, visit the Usinger retail store at 1030 North Third St.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Amana Bakery

AMANA, IOWA — Hahn's Bakery at Middle Amana., where bread and coffee cakes are baked in a century-old stone hearth oven, using the simple recipe of a hundred years ago. Thousands of visitors come every year to enjoy the quaint surroundings and fine foods made and served in the Amana Colonies.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Pianola Family Piano

Here at last, is a piano everyone can play — eveb uf tiy'rve never had a lesson in your life! Perfect for parties and family fun . . . hundreds of new music rolls available
The pianola becomes a superb modern spinet, clean in line, compact in design.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Grape Picker

Concord Grape Picker — The machine has a capacity of Harvesting one acre per hour. The machine covers the vineyard row. Agitation crops the berries into the conveyor system which carries them directly to the factory container.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Madeline Island Ferry

The Ferry Nichevo takes passengers and automobiles between Bayfield, Wisc. and Madeline Island, one of the largest of the Apostle Islands.

postmarked 1972
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